SMA – Data Manager M, Speedwire/Ethernet


Based on the new IoT platform for energy management, ennexOS from SMA, the Data Manager M not only replaces the SMA Cluster Controller, but its expandability also means that it is already well-equipped to handle the new business models of the energy market of the future.


Get the most out of energy

In combination with the new Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS, the Data Manager M optimizes communication, monitoring and control of PV systems with up to 50 SMA devices. Based on the new IoT platform for energy management, ennexOS from SMA, the Data Manager M not only replaces the SMA Cluster Controller, but its expandability also means that it is already well-equipped to handle the new business models of the energy market of the future. For example, it is the ideal professional system interface for electric utility companies, service technicians and PV system operators.

Particularly impressive is its innovative and highly efficient user interface, which has been standardized for both Data Manager M and the new Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS. A range of intuitive assistance functions for the Data Manager M, inverters and Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS significantly reduce the amount of time involved in commissioning and parameterization.

The basic scope of functions and interfaces offered by the new Data Manager M is coordinated with the associated functions in Sunny Portal powered by ennexOS and adapts to future requirements incrementally. Thanks to its modular design and systematic support of industrial standards such as Modbus/TCP, systems can be expanded to include additional components such as I/O systems or energy meters, from either SMA or other suppliers.

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SMA Solar Technology

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