MNE250SMA-AC-SINGLE master E-Panel


The MNE250SMA-AC-SINGLE master includes the Manual input/output 60amp, 120/240vac bypass system along with separate 60amp, 120/240vac AC input and output breakers. This E-Panel can be used in conjunction with a Sunny Island inverter as part of an AC Coupled system. Comes with a 250amp battery disconnect breaker and inverter cables. Pre-wired with AC input and output wiring.

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MNE250SMA-AC-SINGLE master E-Panel

The master includes the input/output 60amp, 120/240vac bypass system along with separate 60 amp, 120/240vac AC input and output breakers. This E-Panel can be used in conjunction with a Sunny Island inverter. Comes with a 250amp battery disconnect breaker and inverter cables. Pre-wired with AC input and output wiring.

RS485 boards are required when AC Coupling to SunnyBoy inverters if 3 stage charging is desired. One RS485 board goes into the Sunny Island inverter and each SunnyBoy Inverter. AC Coupling to the SunnyBoy grid-tie inverter is possible without RS485 boards. The Sunny Island grid-tie inverter will frequency shift based on battery voltage to knock the grid-tie inverter off line. SunnyBoy inverters can switch between off-grid and grid-tie mode automatically when RS485 boards are used. To program this feature you must use either a SMA service cable (USBPBS) or SMA web box (SUNNYWEBBOXU).

Comes standard with one MNSPD-300.

NOTE: A back plate is recommended for the proper wiring alignment of the Sunny Island.

  • Environmental Rating – Type 1 (Indoor)
  • 60amp, 120vac AC output/bypass assembly and independent 60amp
  • 120vac AC input and output breakers
  • 60amp, 240vac breakers and bus bar for the Grid tie inverter input
  • 8 Extra spaces on the face to the Right of the main battery breaker for the black bodied (MNEAC or MNEPV) CBI Din Rail breakers
  • 4 Spaces on the left side and 6 spaces on the right side of the chassis for the Panel mount 3/4 inch breakers (MNEDC)
  • 500A/50mV shunt (MNSHUNT)
  • Neutral, Ground, AC IN, AC OUT and Grid Tie IN terminal busbars
  • 250amp battery breaker with inverter cables
  • AC wiring to inverter.
  • Warranty – 5 yrs.
  • Listed by ETL for US & Canada
  • Made in the USA
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SMA Solar Technology

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