Home » Products » MMF Industries Tamper-Evident Cash Bags, 15 x 20 Inches, Clear, 5 packs of 50 Bags per Box

MMF Industries Tamper-Evident Cash Bags, 15 x 20 Inches, Clear, 5 packs of 50 Bags per Box


  • Available in boxes containing 250 bags with each bag measuring 15 x 20 Inches
  • Made of a co-extruded clear recyclable plastic to prevent puncturing or tearing
  • Yellow shaded area for notations with unique alphanumeric numbering and barcode to ensure tracking and prevent thieves from replacing the bag
  • Added pocket on front is perfect for deposit tickets and other important paperwork
SKU: MMF2362005N20 Category:

MMF Industries Tamper-Evident Bundle Bags hold 4 bundles of currency and meet Federal guidelines for bank deposits. Made of a co-extruded clear, recyclable plastic to prevent puncturing or tearing, the bottom of the bag is folded, not sealed, to further prevent unlawful entry into the bag. In addition to the strong side and bottom seams, this bag has tamper indicators to prevent fraud.

The bag also features a yellow shaded area for notations, unique alphanumeric numbering to ensure tracking and prevent thieves from replacing the bag, and a bar code for scanning. An added pocket on front is perfect for deposit tickets and other important paperwork. MMF Industries Tamper-Evident Bundle Bags are sold by the box, with 250 clear bundle bags per box.

Shipping & Delivery
Zone Métropolitaine (Metropolitan Area)
Delmas $ 15
Pétion-Ville $ 25
Kenscoff $ 30
Tabarre $ 20
La Plaine $ 25
Carrefour $ 35
Zones avoisinantes et Villes de Provinces
Gonaïves$ 770
Gros Morne$ 900
Marchand Dessalines$ 770
Ennery$ 880
Montrouis$ 550
Saint-Marc$ 660
Hinche$ 660
Mirebalais$ 550
Thomonde$ 605
Beaumont$ 1210
Corail$ 1100
Dame Marie$ 1342
Jérémie$ 1430
Miragoane$ 550
Cap-Haïtien$ 1430
Limbé$ 1320
Limonade$ 1320
Plaisance$ 990
Fort-Liberté$ 1430
Ouanaminthe$ 1430
Trou du Nord$ 1430
Terrier Rouge$ 1430
Jean Rabel$ 1386
Port-de-Paix$ 1430
Arcahaie$ 550
Bon-Repos$ 330
Cabaret$ 440
Grand-Goave$ 440
Léogane$ 385
Petit-Goave$ 550
Aquin$ 770
Camp-Perrin$ 874.50
Cavaillon$ 715
Les Cayes$ 792
Saint-Louis du Sud$ 1430
Jacmel$ 660