6kW SMA Sunny Island 6048-US Battery Inverter


  • AC and DC coupling
  • Works with 48Vdc batteries
  • Ideal for grid-tied battery backup
  • 96.0% maximum efficiency, 94.0% CEC weighted efficiency
  • Supports external BMS and lithium-ion technology
  • OptiCool active temperature management system
  • 5 year standard warranty
SKU: GSPSMASI6048US10 Categories: , , Tags: ,

The Sunny Island is a bi-directional battery inverter and charger that can be used completely off-grid, or for battery backup in grid-tie systems with Sunny Boy grid-tie inverters. The Sunny Island is a complete power center with 6kW of sine wave output power, integrated battery disconnect, 100A battery charger, and integrated data monitoring and system control, all in a compact wall-mounted package.

The SI6048-US works with 48Vdc batteries and operates at 6,000 watts AC powwer output to homes that have a single-phase output of 120Vac at 60Hz. Two inverters can be “stacked” to provide 120 or 240V 60Hz split-phase output. Multiple Sunny Island inverters can be combined for up to 20kW of split-phase power, or up to 60kW of three-phase power with an optional multi-cluster box.

The SMA Sunny Island features SMAs off-grid technology and a maximum efficiency of 96 percent ensuring peak production, which reduces diesel usage in rural communities. The Sunny Island inverter provides complete off-grid management, as well as intelligent battery management for maximum battery life. This UL certified solar power inverter is highly durable with an extreme overload capability and comes with a 5 year warranty from SMA.

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SMA Solar Technology

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